How plant medicine saved the life of a network television anchor.

five trips

Through whimsical, emotional, and impact stories, Gibson tells his life story through five literal and physical psychedelic trips and how plant medicine saved Gibson's life.

In a yet untold story, as Gibson rose to the heights of network television, informing and entertaining millions of viewers, his mental health deteriorated, culminating in an attempt on his life while at ABC News. Five Trips details the back story that led to that event and gives behind-the-scenes info on the struggles and individuals at the network level of television that may have led to that pivotal moment.

It'll also go into fascinating detail about how Gibson discovered a solution for his depression, childhood abuse, and network television battles.

About the book:

"This book is a powerful testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the exploration of unconventional treatments for mental health challenges. Kendis Gibson, a journalist I have long admired and a friend, has made himself vulnerable, allowing him to open the door to essential conversations about healing and personal growth. I am honored to support a work that is filled with empathy and insight."

Michael Strahan